Warsztat przedkonferencyjny
Zapraszamy do rejestracji na warsztat poprzedzający XVII Ogólnopolską Konferencję Naukową Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Terapeutów Terapii Skoncentrowanej na Rozwiązaniach: „Wokół r(el)acji w TSR!”
Warsztat odbędzie się stacjonarnie w języku angielskim (z tłumaczem)
KIEDY: 15 czerwca 2023 r. w godz. 10:00 – 17:00
GDZIE? Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu.
KOSZT: 300zł
Prowadząca: Anne-Marie Wulf (Dania)
Tytuł warsztatu: „Constructions and exploration of relationships – mine and others”
The solution focused approach is co-constructive, future oriented and client centered. It
stands on roots of social constructionism, Family therapy, Systemic elements, who all
bring in ideas about relationships, and how we should interact and think in a professional
This workshop kicks off by exploring the concept of relationships in general and in SF
specific looking into, how did Steve de Shazer or Insoo Kim Berg looked at relationships?
And with the development of the Solution Focused approach during the last 40 years, how
do different practitioners think about it today? What regarding relationships makes the
approach different than other approaches?
During the workshop you will be working “Around the Relationship in SF” from two
perspectives: the professional and the personal relationships. Relationships are based on
interactions between people, it is a collaborative two-way-process. We will explore this
process on a microlevel, explore how to establish a relationship and talk about the benefits
of a ‘good’ relationship. Through groupwork and exercises, you will reflect and work with
your relationships and the impact they have on your (inter)actions today. Futhermore you
will get concrete tools like the “Interaction Circle”, Network Mapping and Genogram to help
you have an even more relational perspective in your practice.
The workshop alternates between presentations, films and exercises, which provides
opportunities for different types of learning. It is also a creative and co-constructive
process with time for questions, experimenting and clarification.
To interact with you and create a present and committed teaching is family therapist Anne-
Marie Wulf, Denmark, founder of the Danish Solution Focused Institute, teacher, trainer
and supervisor as well as board member of EBTA and IASTI.